Monday, September 27, 2010

Car v. Camera

A few months ago, I told my mother that for a graduation present, I'd like it if everyone chipped in and got me a camera, so that I can start practicing on my own and get better at my camera work. A decent camera can be thousands of dollars though, and when I approached my mother with this idea she asked me a simple question that left me stumped: Would you rather have that or a car? I was speechless. I couldn't believe that the idea of having a car as a present hadn't even entered my mind. And which did I want more. After a few months of thinking it over, I Have come up with some pros and cons to each.


It's pretty and green!


Who wouldn't want a car! I honestly believe the main reason I don't drive is because I don't have one. It would be easier for me to get around and hopefully get jobs if I had a car, especially since I wouldn't have to worry about finding parking at school and dealing with permits blah blah blah. It's like cooking. My first three years of college, I didn't cook. Why? I had no kitchen. I had a communal kitchen right on my floor for two years but I didn't like being in there with other people. Now that I have my own kitchen with an oven, and a toaster oven, and stove stops that I'm comfortable with, I cook all the time. I'm coming up with new ideas for food. I'm experimenting. I believe if I had my own car, I'd drive it and I'd probably come to love driving it.


I'd have to prove to my parent's that I can drive before they give me a car. That means the anxiety of feeling like I'm being tested every time I get into the car. Also, with a car comes car expenses. Gas and tune-ups and repairs after a while. I'd also have to learn so much crap like how to check oil and washer fluid and cooling agents. I'd have to go through the, this is your engine schpeal. And truthfully, that kinda stuff is enough to make me say, screw a car. Also, I don't even know what kind of car I would like. Truthfully, I'd be happy with whatever I got but, if I got a big car would I ever feel comfortable in it? Not to mention, I'd actually have to learn how to drive places! Ugh! And when I get the car and learn all that stuff, I can guarantee that 70% or more of my driving will be running errands.

Sony PMW-EX1


No matter how many books I look at, I wont understand how to shoot well if I don't practice. By getting a camera after I graduate, I can continue to learn on my own and build up my skills at my own time and at my own pace. Also, there are so many project's I'd like to do after I graduate. I want to practice shots and slowly build up a reel and gain knowledge that will make finding a job easier, in addtion to my skills as a writer and actress. With a good quality camera, I can also be an asset to other people just starting out and I could offer my services (for a small fee). Such as amature actors and actresses who need a good quality audition tape and can pay or, for myself, make a video featuring people in my family, documenting their stories while I still can.


I wouldn't get a car. Also, along with the expense of the camera, I'd also need to buy other things like Final Cut Pro or Studio and a better laptop capable of holding files that size. (you know, since I wont have a tech center to edit on). Another problem is the camera itself. As I've matriculated through varios film classes, I've learned that to be a successful cinematograher, director, etc, purchasing your own camera is not a necessity as many industry professionals simply rent camera's, mics, and lighting equipment. Another issue is that I don't want to get stuck using an outdated camera and not knowing how to use others. 

I still don't know what I would rather have. While the cons for both items can be extensive, both sets can be overcome or overlooked with enough hard work. I don't have much time left to make a decision. This is gonna be a long senior year!

Posted by Anept-het


I found myself watching a very interesting video on Youtube this evening. It was some behind the scenes footage of an Essence magazine shoot with Sanaa Lathan, Nia Long, and Gabrielle Union. Now anyone who knows me, knows that I am a huge fan of Sanaa Lathan (she’s really my sister, she just doesn’t know it yet!) and I feel that Nia Long is grossly underrated.  What struck me about this video wasn’t it’s line-up of actress’, though that is what initially caught my eye, rather it was something that was said.

Nia Long started off by stating that there is no competition between the girls. The thought was further cosigned by both Sanaa and Gabrielle, basically stating that though they are all actress’, they are friends at the end of the day and support one another. One lady’s success is, as Nia put it, a victory for them all.

It got me thinking … Why don’t we see, and hear, and practice more of this? Whatever happened to sistahood? As an actress (you’ll notice I don’t refer to myself as aspiring – someone’s got to start drinking my Kool-Aid sooner or later, I may as well be the first!), and especially as a minority actress, I am under no delusions as to how difficult the path ahead will be. There are few worthwhile roles for people of color, especially women, specifically African American women.

Even in my relatively short career I find myself constantly weeding through the same crap: The Bitch, The Best Friend, The Prostitute trying to get on the right path but can’t escape her cootch slinging ways, The Abusive Mother, The Crackhead, The Abusive Crackhead Mother, The Angry Black Chick, The “Sassy” Black Chick, The Angry, Sassy, Bitchy, Crackhead, Cootch-Slinging, Abusive Mother whose child is taken away by her White/ or Light Skinneded Best Friend. It may sound like I’m being funny, but what’s not funny is it’s the truth. These are the roles that those us on the lower echelons of this industry often find ourselves competing over. And with so few good roles available to African American women, it makes sense that when one comes along, competition can become fierce.  

The thing is, this isn’t isolated to the entertainment industry. This is especially true where it deals with men. I have met girls who will lie, cheat, steal, rip out your weave and cut out your eyes over some dude. Not a man, a DUDE. Now just like a good role is hard to come by, I think many of us would agree that a good broth’a all too often seems near impossible to find (For all the good men reading this – I’m not talking about you). The good news is, they are out there … somewhere …  so, I’ve heard!

The funny thing is, I started writing when I was sixteen years old, completely on a whim – actually more like a dare from my mother.  WARNING: ANECDOTE ALERT IN 3… 2… You see it was a Sunday; I was flipping through the stations and landed on BET. I recall watching it for a few seconds then shutting the television off in disgust. My mother sat at the table, probably weeding through the mountain of mail that became a staple on our Dining Room table when I turned to her and asked, “Mom, why do they call it Black Entertainment Television, when there’s never anything entertaining on it?” My mother looked at me and laughed, as she so often does, and replied “Well, it’s entertaining to someone, Ne-Ne Bean, but if you don’t like it, then maybe you should create your own television station, and your own programming for it.” The wheels began turning in my head. I looked at her and smiled, then made a b-line for the computer. “Fine then. I’ve already got a show in mind!”

Little did either of us know, but that off-handed comment by my mother would change my life entirely. Through my writing, I rekindled my love of entertainment, my passion for acting. Now, here I am nearly a decade later following a dream I’ve dreamt since I was four years old. And though being a screen/playwright was never my intention, as I started down this path I soon realized that this new found talent could become a necessity. My way in. For I possess at my fingertips the ability to create roles and characters for African American actors. To tell stories we’ve never seen or imagined ourselves in.

I know how hard it is to find a good role in this industry, but as women, as sista’s we need to band together. This is a mentality I’ve adopted, though I won’t lie and say that I’ve never fallen victim to the system. When a really good role comes along, it’s natural that you want it. But the truth is, as Nia put it … a win for one is win for us all.

I keep my girlfriends who are taking this journey with me close. They are my support, they understand what I’ve been through and the hardships that lay ahead. The truth is, just as in life – in this industry – we are all we have, and if we continue to look at one another as competition to be overcome or enemies to be defeated, then the sad truth is – we have already lost.

So, let’s try to bring back a little Sistahood … 

MOVIE IDEA ALERT: next Oscar nominated film will be, “Sistahood Of The Traveling Hair Piece”, coming to a Tyler Perry film near you!

- Anubian

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Getting Nervous

So this is my first post and I was wondering, what I should write about? My sister has just started a major journey and I feel much less stable then I did coming out of high school. Back then, I knew I wanted to become an actress, I wanted to perform and sing and dance, but now nerves are catching up to me and I find myself relegating myself to work behind the scenes. There's nothing wrong with that of course, but even that has me nervous. 

As I count down the days until, the end of the week, the end of the month, the end of the semester, the end of the school year, the end of my college career (I'm praying it is!) people keep asking me, what exactly do you want to do with a degree in film in Washington DC? It's a good question, and I answer, "I would like to start off getting a job with a small production company if I could. Anything will do, I'd learn on the job". But the farther I get, the more I realize I don't know, and I wonder if I have the drive it takes to keep up with this fast paced industry. I keep feeling the longing to travel and have kids poking at me and I have to keep reminding myself, can't do that yet... and it makes me nervous. The film program at my school is SO broad, I don't know if I want to become a writer or a director, or a cinematographer, or a producer or what. I love to create stories, but am I capable of simply selling a script I spent years on and walk away? I feel like I'm too indecisive to become a director. Where do I go from here? I'm getting nervous...

Generally, my posts to this blog will focus on me as an aspiring filmmaker. What I've been learning and what I'm working on. What I do well and what I need to work on. Film related stuff. Also, random things that peek my interest, like whatever else I learn in this school till I finally get my diploma and say LATER BITCHEZ to these people. 

Posted by Anept-het

New Beginnings

Today marks the first official launch of the Anubis Angel Blog. Today also marks the one week anniversary of my move to Los Angeles. So, what do I think of it so far? Well, the weather is amazing; they say it never rains in Southern California, and I suppose that may be true. However, just because I'm not wet, doesn't mean I haven't been through the storm. In fact, I'm still in the eye of it, though it didn't start when I landed.

Nearly the last two months have been the most trying of my life so far. I honestly think I've cried more since turning twenty five than I have in the twenty four years that came before it. I have always prided myself on being a strong person, a good daughter, sister, and friend, but in the days and weeks leading up to my move I was faced with daily revelations about myself and the people I held most dear. Revelations that would question everything: even my own self worth, my reason for being.

The poems that proceeded this post were written in an attempt to express and let go of what I was feeling in the moment. But even I, the writerist that I am, can't numb the pain of rejection with mere words, nor can I pretend to be ok when my heart is aching, when I am overcome with fear and anxiety and the only shoulder I have is 3000 miles in the opposite direction. Words mean nothing without action, though they hold tremendous weight.

You can speak things into existence: success, failure, happiness, misery .... love. Something I though I had only to find out when I needed it most, that I never did. The fear at twenty five years old - that I never will. I allowed words to give me a sense of security I never had, and chose to ignore the lack of any action that came with them. I manipulate words for a living, they are powerful, they can give life and take life, but they mean nothing without action.

I came to California not because I was trying to get away from something, nor did I come in search of anything in particular. I came here to succeed, and though I am under no delusions as to the the trials and tribulations that lay ahead, I understand that they are all apart of the journey. I had hoped to shared this path with the one I loved, but alas, life doesn't always work out as we had hoped. If I am meant to travel this road alone, I will.

Greatness awaits me, that much I know. Heartbreak is inevitable and failure is apart of life, but I have learned  a valuable lesson in these past few weeks. Tears can make you stronger. They've certainly made me stronger. My strength is not defined by how many hits I can take without flinching, but how hard I hit back. And trust, I will be doing a lot more hitting. There is a whole world out there waiting for me. They've been waiting since the announcement of my birth twenty five years ago; a proclamation that was heard all throughout the tri-state area. There is a reason I was placed on this Earth, there is a reason I'm still here, a little bruised but still standing - the time has come to fulfill my destiny. My journey to this place is personal, it is the next chapter of my story. This my fresh start. My new beginning. It is time to truly put words into action - pen to page, page to stage.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Moving On ....

I've come to a crossroads in my life ... Shit happens, life hurts, but you can let it consume you or learn from it and move on. I'm moving on ....

                       TWENTY FIVE

This photo does not belong to me. It is the sole property of its creator.
25 years have come to pass, my life is like this shattered glass.
So many pieces, I feel so broken. So many words I've left unspoken.

I give my all - time and again; but apparently I’m just the ‘FRIEND’.
I'm sick to death of all of it, I’m sick feeling used.
I’m sick of people not understanding that strong girls have feelings too.
I'm sick of being sick. I'm sick of being tired.
I'm sick and tired of the loneliness and worrying about tomorrow. 
Don’t shower me with compliments, I’ve heard them all before.
Don’t treat me like a piece of crap, then tell me I’m worth more.
Don’t tell me that you love me or allude to it in vein.
Don’t act as if we never happened, like shit is still the same.

25 years have come to pass, my life is like this shattered glass.
So many pieces, I feel so broken. So many words I’ve left unspoken.

I toss and turn, my heart is pounding, fighting back tears to keep from drowning.
I shut my eyes and I hold my breath, I even try to pray.
But my mind is wracked, my body numb, God make it go away …
I finally thought I’d found it, but what I couldn’t see
Is the dream that I was chasing, was never meant for me.
I was reaching for a star, I was searching for my place
I blinked for just a second and the Earth beneath gave way.
It wasn’t real, it never was, my heart is aching and all because
I needed something, I wanted more, I yearned for something I didn’t have before.
So fuck the crying, to hell with fear, I’m sick of drowning in my tears.
No more second, I come first, no more justifying - my own goddamn worth.

25 years have come to pass, my life is like this shattered glass.
So many pieces, I feel so broken. So many words remain unspoken.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Let me start off by saying that I am not a religious individual by any means, but I am deeply and profoundly spiritual. My spirituality is what drives me, and it is for that reason that I felt this little poem would be an appropriate way to start things off. It was born, like most of my work, out of emotion. These past few weeks have been particularly trying for me. It's funny the way life goes, how quickly things change, for better or for worse. It is in these times, usually when we at our lowest that we can also be at our best. Our true character shines through: Will you learn to swim? Or will you drown? Do you sit on the deck too afraid to jump back in? Or do you take a leap of faith ... and Swim. 

I am a swimmer, though I nearly forgot that. But even the strongest and most fearless among us forget who we are. But, that's ok, because weakness doesn't make you any less of a strong person; what it makes you is human. Or as I like to say "God's perfect imperfection" ... and now, my little poem ...
Divine: This photo does not belong to me. It is the sole property
of its' creator.

Don’t sell yourself short, you deserve much more
You’re a Brown-skinned Angel, in a world at war ….

For modesty sake, for shame you hide
Behind your strength, behind your pride.
And though you fight to mask the pain
To keep it all inside
Those tears burn salt rivers, no matter how you’ve tried.
I know it’s hard to see the light when you can’t open your eyes.
It’s hard to be forgiving when you’re weeding through the lies.
And though at times it’s hard
And there seems to be no end,
Just close your eyes and look within, for there you have a friend.
Seek comfort in this truth,
Your worth so much more.
You’re God’s precious Brown-skinned Angel,
And the world He gave is yours.

Posted by Anubian