Monday, September 27, 2010

Car v. Camera

A few months ago, I told my mother that for a graduation present, I'd like it if everyone chipped in and got me a camera, so that I can start practicing on my own and get better at my camera work. A decent camera can be thousands of dollars though, and when I approached my mother with this idea she asked me a simple question that left me stumped: Would you rather have that or a car? I was speechless. I couldn't believe that the idea of having a car as a present hadn't even entered my mind. And which did I want more. After a few months of thinking it over, I Have come up with some pros and cons to each.


It's pretty and green!


Who wouldn't want a car! I honestly believe the main reason I don't drive is because I don't have one. It would be easier for me to get around and hopefully get jobs if I had a car, especially since I wouldn't have to worry about finding parking at school and dealing with permits blah blah blah. It's like cooking. My first three years of college, I didn't cook. Why? I had no kitchen. I had a communal kitchen right on my floor for two years but I didn't like being in there with other people. Now that I have my own kitchen with an oven, and a toaster oven, and stove stops that I'm comfortable with, I cook all the time. I'm coming up with new ideas for food. I'm experimenting. I believe if I had my own car, I'd drive it and I'd probably come to love driving it.


I'd have to prove to my parent's that I can drive before they give me a car. That means the anxiety of feeling like I'm being tested every time I get into the car. Also, with a car comes car expenses. Gas and tune-ups and repairs after a while. I'd also have to learn so much crap like how to check oil and washer fluid and cooling agents. I'd have to go through the, this is your engine schpeal. And truthfully, that kinda stuff is enough to make me say, screw a car. Also, I don't even know what kind of car I would like. Truthfully, I'd be happy with whatever I got but, if I got a big car would I ever feel comfortable in it? Not to mention, I'd actually have to learn how to drive places! Ugh! And when I get the car and learn all that stuff, I can guarantee that 70% or more of my driving will be running errands.

Sony PMW-EX1


No matter how many books I look at, I wont understand how to shoot well if I don't practice. By getting a camera after I graduate, I can continue to learn on my own and build up my skills at my own time and at my own pace. Also, there are so many project's I'd like to do after I graduate. I want to practice shots and slowly build up a reel and gain knowledge that will make finding a job easier, in addtion to my skills as a writer and actress. With a good quality camera, I can also be an asset to other people just starting out and I could offer my services (for a small fee). Such as amature actors and actresses who need a good quality audition tape and can pay or, for myself, make a video featuring people in my family, documenting their stories while I still can.


I wouldn't get a car. Also, along with the expense of the camera, I'd also need to buy other things like Final Cut Pro or Studio and a better laptop capable of holding files that size. (you know, since I wont have a tech center to edit on). Another problem is the camera itself. As I've matriculated through varios film classes, I've learned that to be a successful cinematograher, director, etc, purchasing your own camera is not a necessity as many industry professionals simply rent camera's, mics, and lighting equipment. Another issue is that I don't want to get stuck using an outdated camera and not knowing how to use others. 

I still don't know what I would rather have. While the cons for both items can be extensive, both sets can be overcome or overlooked with enough hard work. I don't have much time left to make a decision. This is gonna be a long senior year!

Posted by Anept-het

1 comment:

  1. I know I'm a little late to the party on this one, mama, but really you can't go wrong either way. I would say it really depends on what your plans are after school. If you think you'll remain in the D.C area for work (especially if that work gets you behind a camera or at least within striking distance of one) then I'd say go with the car ... D.C can be hard to move around in without one. Make your money, set some aside - then buy the one you want when you're ready.

    If you move to N.Y., I'd say get the camera ... There is so much there, so many actors and actress' looking to build a reel, and they'd be more than happy to help you build yours in the process. Besides, we have family there and it's easy to navigate w/o a vehicle.

    Just look at all of the aspects, but really - you can't go wrong either way!!!!

    - Anubian
